Olive Fruit

Fruits are low in calories and fat and are a source of simple sugars, fiber, and vitamins, which are essential for optimizing our health. Fruit’s health benefiting properties are because of their richness in vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, pigment anti-oxidants. 

Altogether, these compounds help the body prevent or at least prolong the natural changes of aging by protecting from damage and rejuvenating cells, tissues, and organs.

Eating olives improves the appearance of wrinkles by 20% since they contain oleic acid, which keeps skin soft and healthy.

In addition, olives contain vitamin E, an excellent antioxidant for skin health.

The eating 10 olives before meals reduced appetite by 22% according to studies in Italy.

Monounsaturated fatty acids containing olives are slower digestion and stimulate the hormone cholecystokinin, a hormone that sends messages of satiety to the brain.

Olives are oval-shaped fruits obtained from the Olea europaea tree; a naturalized, medium-size tree of Mediterranean origin.

The fruits, and oil extracted from them, have been part of important food sources for the natives around Mediterranean Sea since centuries.

Olive is a drupe or stone-fruit with a central single seed, surrounded by edible pulp.

Their size and shape greatly varies depending on the cultivar type. On an average, a fruit weighs about 3-5 g. Raw fruits are green, which turn yellow to dark as it ripens further.

In addition, the fruits contain good amounts of minerals like calcium, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc. Further, they are small sources of B-complex vitamins such as niacin, choline, and pantothenic acid.

Black olives are a great source of vitamin E, which has the brilliant ability to neutralize free radicals in body fat.

Especially when working with the stable monounsaturated fats found in olives, vitamin E can make cellular processes safer.

When such processes such as mitochondrial energy production are not well protected, the free radicals produced can cause oxidation, damaging a cell’s mitochondria, and preventing the cell from producing enough energy to supply its needs.

If the DNA of a cell is damaged, it may well mutate and become cancerous.

Olives reduce the effects of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, benign and malignant tumours, including less serious varicose veins and cavities.
