
Thimbleberry, considered being a fruit and a vegetable, it can be found in abundance in most of the provinces of Canada as well as many of the States within the USA. Native groups throughout Canada and the USA have traditionally used the leaves of the Thimbleberry plant as an herbal tea.


The leaves of the Thimbleberry plant can be easily boiled or steeped to create a soup or tea. This tea can then be used to relieve stomach ailments such as diarrhoea or vomiting. It has also been used as a blood tonic for anaemia. The young stalks of this plant are a good source of vitamin c and an excellent source of greens.


They can be peeled, and then either eaten raw, or cooked and consumed just as other vegetables such as beet tops, broccoli, or asparagus would be. Thimbleberry fruits are larger, flatter, and softer than raspberries, and have many small seeds. Because the fruit is so soft, it is not advisable to pack or ship it, so they are rarely cultivated commercially.


Just like the other berries, the Thimbleberry is rich in phytonutrients, or plant nutrients and high in Vitamin C. They are an antioxidant rich snack to help ward off ill health.


Antioxidants help to protect the body from the effects of age related illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis. It is believed that a diet high in antioxidants can also help slow down the aging process of humans.


These berries cannot be kept for more than a day. So it is best to harvest them on the day they are to be consumed or used. Care should be taken not squish and destroy these soft berries while harvesting.


All the fruits on a shrub do not ripe together so harvesting can be done in batches over several weeks. The fruits can be eaten raw or dried, but they are not always very palatable.
