
Youngberry fruit is of deep wine colour has few seeds and a small core, a fruit that belongs to the Rosaceae family. Youngberry is a crossbred blackberry variety with a red colour and juicy flesh. The fruits are large and sweet and a little bit tart, as youngberries are rich in potassium it helps control hypertension. Potassium also aids to restore regular function to your kidneys.


Youngberries have a naturally sourced plant phenol called ellagic acid, which helps reduce carotid artery wall thickness and blood pressure. The health benefits of vitamin C in youngberries include helping us to build a stronger immune system and also healing the wounds faster. The fruit is also high in iron. The key function of iron is to carry oxygen from our lungs to muscles and some other organs in our body. Deficiency of iron may cause headaches, fatigue and irritability. 


Fresh berries are an excellent source of vitamin-C (100 g of berries contain 23 mg or 35% of RDA), which is a powerful natural antioxidant. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps develop resistance against infectious agents, counter inflammation, and scavenge harmful free radicals from the human body.


Berries are a terrific source of fiber, another key factor in weight control. Research has found that for every gram of fiber we eat, we eliminate seven calories, so consuming the recommended 25 to 35 grams daily could cancel out nearly 300 calories, enough to result in a 30 pound weight loss in a year. Another study in Brazilian dieters found that over a six month period, each additional gram of fiber resulted in an extra quarter pound of weight loss. Raspberries in particular have the best ratio of carbohydrate to fiber.


All fruits including berries can make a healthy snack; they contain many health benefits that will protect the body against many health conditions.

